Thursday 24 September 2020

GIT. - ppt download

GIT. - ppt download: Contents Version Control System Types of Version Control Systems Distributed Version Control System Git Basics Steps to get your project into Git Three States Recording changes to the repository Checking the status of your Files Viewing Staged and Unstages changes Committing your Changes Removing Files Moving Files Viewing the commit History Changing your last commit Unstaging and Unmodifying Working with remotes Branching Merging Rebasing

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Buzzkill! The 5C is not a budget iPhone

Apple has unveiled the iPhone 5C, presumably hoping that it will help the company penetrate the lower-cost smartphone markets of China, India and other developing countries. However, if Wall Street Journal's report is anything to go by, the iPhone 5C isn't anywhere near as inexpensive as people were expecting.

Sadly, we don't know the Indian pricing of the smartphone yet, but we do know that China is getting it for 4,488 Yuan, which is roughly Rs 47,000. This, as you might have noticed, is more expensive than the flagship iPhone 5 this past year. We expect the pricing to be similar when the smartphone makes its way here, but it will probably be cheaper by a couple of thousand bucks, since otherwise, people would just buy leftover stocks of the iPhone 5 instead.

Analysts so far had been predicting a price somewhere in the range of 3,000 Yuan for the iPhone 5C. Because of pricing, many in China are preferring locally-made smartphones instead of Apple's fare. A Samsung vendor named Wang Shoubin told WSJ that around 70 percent of customers were looking for phones that cost between 1,000 and 2,000 yuan. “Here everyone buys national products,” he told WSJ.

According to the owner of an electronics shop, Ma Tao, the relatively cheaper price of the iPhone 5C will exhibit a short-term spike in sales. However, in the long run, Apple's reputation as a maker of premium high-end smartphones will take a hit. Tao compares the challenges of selling a cheaper iPhone to that of selling Samsung's mid-end smartphones.  “Xiaomi phones are 1500 yuan. They’re cheap and they have about the same hardware as more expensive Samsung phones,” he said.

The Cupertino-based company might have shot itself in the foot with its pricing if it hopes to penetrate deeper into developing markets. We’ll know more for sure once the company announces the pricing for India.

How To: Download apps from Google Play directly to your PC

                           A utility to download Android apps from Google Play Store directly to your PC.

We have been testing and reviewing a lot of Android phones and tablets in the recent past, and we definitely need to keep a few apps for benchmarking and other such information. In order to do the same, we initially need to set up wireless networking, punch in the credentials of the Google account, then search for the needed apps and download them. Downloading apps from the Google Play Store requires an account and hence the entire exercise. This is not only time consuming, but also painfully slow at times when the Internet connection is down or weak. In order to get things in the fast lane, we use an app to back up the apps and save them on the PC. On the other hand, as we all know, most apps keep being updated by their developers and tracking the updates is not possible if we do not have the Google account setup on the Android device. This means doing the same thing all over again and hitting the 'Update App' button every time we have to test a new device. 

Many others who constantly do ROM installations and updates on their Android devices would also like to keep a backup of the apps. Installing apps directly from the SD card not only saves downloading time, but also helps you save money by using the Internet on 3G connections. You can save apps to the SD card using third-party apps such as File ExpertTitanium BackupApp Monster and other such utilities, but they only save the currently installed apps. So then, what about new updates for the apps? Updating the app is only possible after installing it and then running the Play Store to check for any updates.  

In order to overcome this obstacle, we found a Windows-based utility on the XDA forums, developed by the ‘’ team from Vietnam, called ‘Real APK Leecher’. The software is a JAVA-based utility, which connects to the Internet and the Google Play Store online. The utility needs to be filled with the details of your Google account and the Device ID of your phone in the options. Once the necessary details are filled, it can be used to search and download apps from the Play Store. You can also specify a folder where you have existing apps stored so that they can be scanned and checked for any updates. The apps and updates can be downloaded to a folder of your choice. Read ahead for a walk through on how to get the app and set it up on your PC.

Download the Real APK Leecher utility from here. Download the archived ZIP file and unzip the contacts to a folder on your desktop. Now open the folder and run the file ‘Real APK Leecher.exe’. Since you would be running the utility for the first time, the options (Configuration window) will be shown. In this window, you will need to give in the details of your valid Google email address, the password to the email account and the Device ID. The device ID will be available on your phone itself; you need to extract it using a simple code on the phone dialler. Start the dialler on your phone and punch in the below mentioned code:


The details of this procedure are also provided in the same window where these details need to be fed in the utility.  If you are using a tablet, the phone dialler will not be available. You can download an app called ‘DeviceID’ to get the details of your tablet. These settings need to be done only once, unless you change the phone, tablet or Google account. Further, you have the choice of showing the number of records between 10 to 30 apps on the page while searching for apps. Next, choose the language and country, leave the SIM Operator Number as empty (default) and enter the location to save the downloaded apps along with the location for the folder where your apps are already downloaded and need updates. After these settings are done, you can click on the Save button and the utility will start.   

Search for the app you want to download

Set the download location

Note: If you make any mistake in the settings, especially with the email address, password and device ID, the utility will not work as it will give you an error in logging into your account. Double-check your settings if you get any errors.

Now that the utility has started, you can search for the app using its vendor name, package name or custom name in the search bar. Depending on the choice you made earlier, the number of searched apps will be listed in the window below. To download the app, simply click on it once to highlight the entire field, then right-click on the line and select the download option.

Note: The searched apps will have both free and paid versions showing up and you can only download free versions. If the app is a paid version, you will not be able to download it, as there are no options for payment through this utility. You can hit the Google Play link to go to the Play Store and do the necessary payments there. If you have already paid for the app earlier, then you can download the app without this extra step. 

                                                                      Check for app updates on your PC

To check for updates for your already downloaded apps, you can right-click on any app in the list and click on the ‘Scan Existing Folder’ option. The utility will then ask you one more time if you want to scan the folder you previously entered in the options or any other folder on your PC. Click on OK and the utility will scan every app in the specified folder and list the entire content of that folder. Each app will be listed with icons, which will specify if there is an update available for any of the apps. The icon with the exclamatory mark in a triangle is the one with updates available. Next, right-click on the app and click on the download option. Apps that are not available on the Play Store or are pirated will show up with a question mark, whereas the ones with the green check mark are apps that have no updates. 

Existing app updates are shown with exclamatory mark symbols

You can also use this utility to download apps that are not available in your country by changing the SIM Operator Number in the options field. Apps that have carrier restrictions can be faked to get the apps downloaded. To do this on your phone itself, you need to have a rooted phone and market enabler app. Using this utility, you can do it without any hitch. The SIM Operator Number (SON) for various mobile carriers around the world can be availed from here. The SON is a combination of the MCC and MNC numbers. SON = MCC + MNC. For example, Vodafone IN Mumbai has MMC number 404 and MNC number 20, which makes the SON 40420. Enter this number in the SON field in the options window. 

Disclaimer: Try this utility at your own risk. This utility and tutorial is for educational purposes only. We do not take any responsibility for misuse of this app. Please read the T&C for Google Play before downloading the apps.

NEWS / SMARTPHONES Apple details Touch ID further, says fingerprint sensor not flawless

As Apple unveiled the much awaited new iPhone 5S on Tuesday, the one feature that held everyone’s attention was the fingerprint scanning system of the phone, also known as Touch ID. We live in dangerous times, though, and a system that worked on fingerprints has had everyone cynical and worried about their safety and privacy.

To allay fears about privacy, Apple has revealed more information about how the fingerprint scanning system is supposed to work with the iPhone 5S. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, an Apple spokesperson has clarified, that first and foremost, the iPhone 5S will not actually store the fingerprint impression of the user.

Instead, the phone will keep just the “fingerprint data” which will remain encrypted within the iPhone’s processor. The phone will use the digital signature to unlock and make purchases in iTunes, iBooks and the App Store. To add some extra bit of security measures, Apple has said that in order to use Touch ID, a user also has to create a passcode as backup. In case of a reboot or the phone not being unlocked for 48 hours, it will be necessary for the user to punch in the passcode instead of using their fingerprint to unlock the device. This measure will ensure that block hackers don’t stall enough to find a way to circumvent the scanner. 

In case someone tries to crack an iPhone’s encrypted chip too, they might not be able to reverse engineer the owner’s fingerprint. Apple seems to be putting safety first with its fingerprint sensor. The Cupertino based company seems to be reluctant to take risks with the new system and hence has disallowed any third-party applications to make use of this scanner. 

Apple has also admitted that while its fingerprint scanner is far more superior to most available on electronic devices like laptops currently, it isn’t exactly perfect and is still susceptible to failure. Particularly, Apple’s fingerprint scanner will have trouble with moist fingers or sweaty ones. The report also seems to suggest a slight issue with fingers scarred from accidents, even though Apple says this issue can be solved by picking a different finger instead.

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Download Facebook Touch for Windows 8

Windows 8 is one of the most expected product from Microsoft. It was released few month ago and running successfully on huge number of computers now. Recently Facebook touch app is updated for Windows 8 with some new features. Facebook touch app is designed as simple, fast and comprehensive.

You can have a touch optimized experience in your Windows 8 devices with this new updated Facebook touch app. This app consist some cool features. you can
access to your news feed,
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and you can chat with your Facebook friends with this app.

You can download the Facebook touch app for free of charge on Windows store. Facebook touch app supports on all builds of Windows 8.

Click here to Download facebook touch

Sunday 16 June 2013

Scandals overshadow T20 birthday celebrations

A decade on from the first ever round of Twenty20 matches, there are fears that a string of corruption scandals may have done lasting damage to the game's reputation and concern the format, which places a premium on power-hitting, is ruining techniques.

It was meant to be the saviour of cricket -- a quick-fire format spiced withcheerleaders and film-star glamour that would reverse a decline in attendance and draw in a new wave of middle-class fans.

But a decade on from the first ever round of Twenty20 matches, there are fears that a string of corruption scandals may have done lasting damage to the game's reputation and concern the format, which places a premium on power-hitting, is ruining techniques.

"T20 is all about big money and how to earn it quickly," the former Sri Lankan captain ArjunaRanatunga told AFP.

"We are destroying our cricket by going down the T20 road... When fans lose faith in the game, we're on a very slippery slope."

While the first round of matches were held in England in mid-June 2003, India is now the undisputedcentre of T20 as the host of the Indian Premier League (IPL) -- a seven-week annual tournament which features the cream of world cricket.

Some of the biggest names in Bollywood, including Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta, are among the owners of IPL teams and match-day entertainment includes performances by dance troupes flown in from eastern Europe.

But the main talking point from this year's tournament was the arrest of three players for spot-fixing, including Test bowler Shanthakumaran Sreesanth, which prompted a string of other allegations of illegal betting.

With the president of the Indian board, N. Srinivasan, having to stand aside while investigators probe his son-in-law, the acting head has announced a slew of measures dubbed "Operation Clean-up".

Under the proposals, owners will be kept away from dugouts, mobile phone signals will be jammed and there will be no more cheerleaders or post-match parties.

The proposals have not gone down well with fans who say they will strip T20 of much of the fun that made the format attractive in the first place.

"Any step which cleans up cricket should be welcome. Having said that, you can't take away all the fun element because this is what T20 is all about," said Pritam Kumar Sinha, an avid fan of the Delhi Daredevils team.

"Jamming cell phone towers would be a huge dampener for fans like me... It would mean you can't tweet about a moment in the game that you want to share instantly with your friends."

Former India opener and coach Madan Lal said it was wrong to blame the 20-over game for all the ills in the sport and the authorities are right to try and clean things up.

"There is a huge room for improvement but all is not lost. It is the fan in the stadium who matters and if the authorities can restore his faith, then T20 is here to stay," Lal told AFP.

Shah Rukh Khan, co-owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders franchise, has spoken of his "disgust" at thesteady stream of allegations.

"Some greed and meanness has crept in, it needs to be cleaned up," said Khan.

T20 was meant to be a money-spinner for the owners who saw it as a way to tap into India's rapidly-growing consumer market, with cricket consistently topping the TV ratings.

But grounds are often no more than half-full and the IPL also finds itself having to compete with the growing popularity of football's English Premier League when it comes to TV audiences.

One franchise, the Deccan Chargers, went bust last year while the Pune Warriors pulled out before this year's tournament had ended.

And it is not just in India where the T20 format is struggling. The Bangladeshi Premier League was scandalised by a confession from the country's star batsman Mohammad Ashraful that he fixed a game during this year's tournament in exchange for a cheque which later bounced.

Former Bangladesh captain Faruque Ahmed admitted the scandals were undermining fans' faith in the game.

"The fans are increasingly doubtful when a catch is dropped or a batsman gets out cheaply," he told AFP.

The format has spawned a breed of hard-hitting batsmen who clear the boundary with a regularity unknown in the pre-T20 era.

But former Pakistani player Basit Ali said the format was "destroying techniques".

"More and more countries now want T20s and they are cancelling their Test series. If these leagues are allowed to prosper I fear Test cricket will perish," Ali said.

His point was echoed by Ranatunga who led the Sri Lankans to victory in the 50-over World Cup in 1996, but is an unashamed champion of Test cricket.

"In two to three years' time, we may not have players who are good enough for Test cricket. T20 is turning them into 'baseball' hitters," he said.

The current T20 world champions are the West Indies, once the undisputed kings of Test match cricket but now one of the weakest teams.

The Caribbean is about to stage its first domestic T20 tournament, making it the last of the Test nations to do so.

The initial T20 matches played in England drew sell-out crowds but attendance has slipped in recent summers as countries struggle to draw the kind of big name players that the IPL attracts.